
Best Landing Spots in Chapter 4 of Season 1 of Fortnite


It's hardly an exact science to determine the optimal landing sites on a Fortnite area. There is seldom a place that is totally safe from invaders, and occasionally the booty will be junk. Although you have no influence over where other players drop their treasure or your own loot luck, you may at least take precautions to position yourself in the best possible way the majority of the time.

I often choose one of two landing zones when selecting one on the fly: either the periphery of a significant named place or the centre of one of the bigger unidentified locations. Landing directly in the centre of a significant site of interest (POI) is something I want to avoid at all costs since it makes it far too simple for events to turn sour.

The idea behind those rules is that I want to drop somewhere that will have enough loot for my crew and I, but I also don't want to fall in a position where I could face immediate gunfire from several people. In light of this, I've put up a list of eight places that I've found to have the highest chances of preventing wipes as soon as my squad landed.

Anvil Square's castle tower

My preferred position on the new map is Anvil Square, but if I can't land at the large castle portions on the north side of town, my drops there frequently go horribly. Ideal landing would be atop the tower at the westernmost point of the building. However, this location is not a secret; chances are, you won't be the only one interested in it. However, if you can land there first or somehow gain the upper hand, you may swiftly arm yourself with little imminent threat from the rest of the town. However, the lower portion of the castle to the east should suffice in a pinch if the taller portion appears to be too warm.

Fridgeberg, the small group of medieval houses with a reboot van north of Anvil Square

You may always flee a little bit northwest to this cluster of mediaeval homes encircling a reboot van if the rivalry in Anvil Square seems too intense for you to handle. Although it's never been my first option, its central location makes it a useful drop site when you have to abandon your intentions to land at Anvil or another central or somewhat central location. That will occasionally happen given that Anvil Square is unquestionably the most popular POI on the Chapter 4 map.

Crude Harbor

Although there aren't many significant spots in the snowy region of the map (there are only two that deserve names on the map so far), there are plenty of lesser ones that are also rather sturdy. The docks on the map's far north edge, (name), are my favourite among these. In my experience, it's fairly uncommon for people to drop off here unless the combat bus passes directly over it. This has been one of my favoured sites for a peaceful start.

The Citadel, at the southernmost vending machine

The Citadel is such a confusing maze that it isn't typically very active at the beginning of a match. However, I favour this vending machine along the southern wall of the main courtyard since it has a fast gun and ammo and because you can quickly slink away from it into the castle's interior or simply leave the area.

The big front entrance of Brutal Bastion

I like to start outdoors because most people who land at Brutal Bastion walk straight into the structures. There is a large entryway with a bridge in front of it on the town's southern edge. A vending machine and a hidden area containing many Slurp kegs and a hidden chest are both located under the bridge. On the south end of the bridge, there is often at least one chest and one pistol on the floor. I nearly always have a minute or two to prepare when I arrive on that bridge, despite the fact that there are opponents around most of the time.

Hitches and Ditches, the gas station/trailer park north of Frenzy Fields

Similar to the truck stop at Rocky Reels in Chapter 3, there isn't actually a location on the Fortnite Chapter 4 map that we would call "The Gas Station." The finest non-major drop spot on the middle of the map is at this petrol station north of Frenzy Fields, which is accompanied by a trailer park across the street. Since it is not a designated POI, it is rarely crowded, yet the trailer park frequently contains a surprising amount of loot. When we get here, my team is normally quite well-prepared, and there are often enough cars available for each squad member to have their own.

Meadow Mansion, west of Frenzy Fields

Frenzy Fields is perhaps the hardest named landing site on the map if you're in a team because the structures are dispersed and never have enough loot for more than two people at most. A large home to the west of the farm buildings, which contains enough riches for everyone, is the only exception. It's far better to fight there than anywhere else in Frenzy Fields, although you can anticipate to face off against at least one other squad. After the dust settles, there is a reboot van nearby if you need it.

The barber shop and gas station at Slappy Shores

I normally try to stay away from the Slap factory at Slappy Shores since it's a disaster, but the row homes on the north bank of the river may also be a real problem before a match. However, a purple, two-story barbershop and a gas station that are on the outskirts of the northwestern section of the town to the west of those residences have been my go-tos when we decide to fetch Slappy. While the loot there isn't always fantastic, the gas station's pharmacy makes up some of the difference. There will also be lots of opportunity for third parties to attack you because your enemies are likely too busy trying to murder each other by lighting houses on fire to glance your way.

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